Right choice
Our wide catalogue allows you to find the product that fits more your needs. Even if it's meat, cheese, cold meat, wines or cavas, pre-cooked dishes, gourmet products... here you will find what you are searching for. 

Vehicle fleet and commercial team
Our refrigerated fleet lets us to reach any place of Majorca with our products in perfect conditions, accompanied by our commercial team who will seek advice and inform you about the different products and those who can be more helpful for your business.

First quality products
Among our hundreds of meat products, we have the best meats: suckling lambs from Majorca and other national cities, suckling male and females pigs, white or Iberian pork and above all our bovine meats with a wide range of origin from all over the world. 

Gourmet products
In addition to our different meats, in Gloria Mallorquina we have decided to bet on high-quality products, like foies or pates, and several other pre-cooked dishes that with a very easy assembly they turn into something delicious. The brands Martiko and Cascajares are a great example of this new range of products which have had a warm welcome by our customers. 

Our plant in Inca, with more than 2.000 square meters, is our operations centre. In it we can find different cutting rooms, refrigerated warehouse for fresh and frozen products, ultra-freezing tunnel and dry rooms for our cured products. 

Our customers
The wide client portfolio of our business and their confidence in our work for decades, allows us to bring our products to different type of establishments: restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, hospitals, hostels, school canteens or campings, among others. All of them are our motivation to keep working hard, their confidence with us is the most valuable asset of our business 

Tradition and experience
Our passion and dedication for the food industry is not something recent, our more than 70 years of experience vouches for us to keep offering to our customers the best products in the best conditions, with a customized attention and mutual communication. Very changeable has become the tendency in the market and because of it we have been adding constantly new products in order to satisfy the increasing and diversified demand.

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